Home Pregnancy Test With Vinegar


Almost every lady has white vinegar stuck somewhere in her kitchen. I guess you do have one too.

If you are having a mixed up feeling about whether you are pregnant or not then this is probably the best time to go get your white vinegar from wherever you have placed it.

These are the things you would need for this test:
1. A cup or any small bowl.
2. White vinegar.
3. Morning urine.

This is what you should do:
1. Pour a considerable amount of white vinegar into a cup or bowl.

2. Add your morning urine to the vinegar in the cup or bowl.

3. Let the whole mixture or setup stand for about 7 minutes.


Positive Result ( You are Pregnant )
If the solution ( that is the mixture of your urine and the vinegar) visibly changes color, you are probably pregnant.

Negative Result ( You Are Not Pregnant )
If the color of the mixture does not change, you are definitely not pregnant.
